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The MISSION ZERO roadshow that will CONNECT and ENERGISE Scotland

Widely regarded across the UK as having an EV charging network to be truly envious of, Scotland has the most established and operational national infrastructure project out there. With an on-going future-proofing programme in full swing, including upgrades and new installations, e-mobility in Scotland is feasible, even in the remotest parts.

2024 sees GREENFLEET Scotland return for the 16th consecutive year. First staged in 2009, and supported by Transport Scotland, the ‘partnership’ has helped shape cleaner fleets across Scotland. But there is still much to be done, and we will now take our unique event ‘on the road’, giving more Scottish businesses the opportunity to join us, engage, learn and then return to the workplace, energised and ready to implement a strategy that will help future-proof any fleet operation. 

Join Us in Edinburgh on 19th August (Murrayfield Stadium, EH12 5PJ), Dundee on 20th (APEX Hotel, DD1 3JP) or Inverness on 21st (Glen Mohr Hotel, IV2 4SG) and share strategy ideas, pick up tips and knowledge and formulate your net zero fleet plans.

We begin with a networking breakfast, followed by keynote sessions from Transport Scotland, Scottish Motor Trade Association (SMTA), ChargePlace Scotland and Association of Fleet Professionals (AFP). There’s live Q&As, solutions presentations and case studies with our partners when you will hear about multi-modal decarbonisation, with Logistics UK and  a new key policy roadmap for the decarbonisation of road transport with Zemo Partnership. Supported by fleet professionals, that have already begun their journey, we will be able to highlight the pitfalls that lie ahead along with the solutions to overcome them!

In between will be a networking refreshment break, plus a buffet lunch at a table hosted by an expert, there really is only one place you need to be in August so RESERVE YOUR FREE PLACE NOW!

09.30 Welcome: GREENFLEET Host John Curtis
Session 1

How does Scotland Achieve 'Net Zero For Transport'
Outlining strategy for Scottish Business - Transport Scotland & Energy Saving Trust
The latest from the industry, current challenges and what’s to come - Scottish Motor Trade Association                                            Implementing a net zero fleet strategy - Association of Fleet Professionals        

Session 2 Improving the charging network to future-proof Scottish e-mobility
The Vision for Scotland’s Public Electric Vehicle Charging Network - Transport Scotland
11.30 Refreshments & Networking
Session 3 What’s next? Electrifying Scottish commercial vehicle fleets
The multimodal approach to logistics decarbonisation - Logistics UK
The new key policy roadmap for the decarbonisation of UK road transport - Zemo Partnership
Session 4 The road to rental decarbonisation in Scotland 
BVRLA and its Scottish members discuss national findings and the picture for Scotland with Qs from the audience
Session 5 Expert Briefers 1-5
13:40 Networking Lunch 
14:30 Event Close 

Event timings and speakers may be subject to change

The Keynote Speakers

Ellis Shelton
Senior Policy Advisor
Logistics UK

John Curtis
Event Host

Matthew Eastwood
Head of EV Infrastructure, Consumer Incentives and Fleets
Transport Scotland

Nicholas Brookbank
Technical Analyst – Transport
Energy Saving Trust

Gordon Manson
Programme Manager
Energy Saving Trust

Stuart Jackson
Team Leader, Electric Vehicle Policy and Infrastructure
Transport Scotland

Sandy Burgess
Chief Executive

Catherine Bowen
Senior Policy Advisor

Lorna Mcatear
Head of fleet
National Grid

Alexandra Herdman
Senior Policy Manager
Logistics UK

Jonathan Murray
Policy and Operations Director
Zemo Partnership

The Format

GREENFLEET Scotland – Taking Mission Zero to Scottish Business

After consultation with Transport Scotland, we have decided a ‘Roadshow’ approach to the events in 2024 will help engage more Scottish businesses, in more places, than ever before. 

Staged across 3 x cities, and culminating in the EV Rally of Scotland (EVROS), we will begin in *Edinburgh on Mon 19 August, moving to Dundee on Tues 20 and finishing in Inverness on Weds 21. Each day will be headlined by Transport Scotland who will outline their ‘Mission Zero’ strategy, how it affects Scottish business and what help and assistance is out there. 

Each of the 3 cities will also be represented by their respective local authority, and also local businesses that have already begun their e-mobility journey, with case studies. We’re keeping it local and regional, as we go, and will provide solutions along the way too!

Format: A morning of engaging presentations, followed by open round table discussions and interactive Q&As. Lunch will finish the proceedings each day and everyone will leave before the afternoon rush hour. A win-win!





To register for GREENFLEET Scotland on 19-21 August, simply select the City you wish to attend, complete the short form below and SUBMIT it. If you have any questions, please feel free to get in touch

Registration is free for qualifying individuals. GREENFLEET events are designed for fleet & transport managers, sustainability managers and those involved in improving their organisation’s transport infrastructure. If you do not meet this criteria, you may be refused a place at the event.    

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Does your company have more electric vehicles than others in your field? Could you be the leading electric fleet in your sector, county or even in the UK? Submit your entry to find out! There are no costs involved, just awards to be won. You’ve got to be in it to win it.

* We will be sending you regular information regarding this event, including any updates or changes as well as, important resources to guarantee a successful attendance for you... so, watch this space!

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