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Public Sector & Blue Light

Many fleets serving Police, Fire & Rescue services and the NHS face particularly challenging issues in the transition to zero emission vehicles.

Public Sector & Blue Light is designed to help accelerate and de-risk the road to net zero, focusing on bespoke fleet transition strategies, advice on how to select the most appropriate vehicle technologies and infrastructure, and getting the most from initial vehicle trials and deployments. 

With short de-briefs from guests and an extended Q&A panel discussion, gain independent expert advice and be a part of the Blue Light fleets’ conversation.


10.30 Welcome: GREENFLEET Host Kate Armitage
10:40 The road to zero - A national highways journey
Martin Edgecox, National fleet manager, National Highways 
10:50 Optimising blue light fleets
Adrian McMullen, Principal, Lightbulb Analytics 
11.00 Developing a charging strategy for police response vehicles
Chapa Chandrasekara, Assistant Technical Specialist – Modelling and Analysis, Cenex
11.10 Q & A session
12.00 Webinar close

Event timings and speakers may be subject to change


The Industry Speakers

Chapa Chandrasekara

Assistant Technical Specialist - Modelling & Analysis
Carl Christie

Senior Technical Specialist – Fleet Strategy Lead
Kate Armitage

Event Host
Martin Edgecox

National Fleet Manager
National Highways
Adrian McMullen

Adrian McMullen
Lightbulb Analytics

Contact info
