25 Public Sector Emergency Services
As battery technology improves (with greater range, faster charging times, and lower costs) the rhetoric on electrifying public sector and emergency services fleets is changing.
Fire, police and ambulance are making the switch to electric vehicles, albeit very slowly. In the short term, we see mixed fleets, where EVs take on less demanding tasks while traditional vehicles are used for more specialised roles; but the conversation is opening up with the development of new technologies and better considered charging infrastructure.
For those responsible for the electrification of public sector and emergency service fleets, this carefully designed Net Zero Masterclass has the potential to greatly enhance fleet managers strategic planning and with a focus on real-life experiences, learn more about the unique needs of first responders.
10.30 | Welcome & Event Overview GREENFLEET Host Kate Armitage |
10.40 | TBA . |
10.55 | TBA . |
11.05 | Lyndsey Hetherington, EV Charging Specialist, Drax Electric Vehicles Electrification: Whats the emergency ? |
11.15 | Panel Discussion / Q and A session GREENFLEET Host Kate Armitage talks with today's panel to answer audience questions and discuss the poll results |
11.45 | Event Close |
Event timings and speakers may be subject to change